The Caring Corner®

The Link Between Education Level and Alzheimer’s Risk

June 29, 2023

Recent studies have revealed a correlation between education level and the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Understanding the link between education level and dementia can help families be more aware of the risk factors associated with Alzheimer’s, as well as guide them in how to best protect their loved ones from this debilitating condition.

Risk Factors Associated With Education Level and Alzheimer’s Disease

Researchers studying education level and its effect on dementia risk have noted that individuals with higher educational attainment tend to have a lower risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease. This is thought to be because those who are more educated are better equipped to handle cognitively-challenging tasks, which may lead to increased “cognitive reserve”—or a greater capacity for maintaining brain function—and therefore lower the likelihood of developing dementia.  In addition, studies suggest that those with higher educational levels generally engage in healthier lifestyle habits than those with less education, such as exercising regularly or avoiding smoking or excessive drinking. These healthy habits may also reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s by decreasing inflammation or reducing oxidative stress on cells.

What Does This Mean For Families?

It is important for families to understand that while having an advanced level of education does not guarantee protection from Alzheimer’s, it can play an important role in reducing the likelihood of developing this debilitating condition. Therefore, providing children with access to high quality education can be beneficial for their overall health in adulthood. Additionally, encouraging healthy lifestyle choices like regular exercise and abstaining from smoking or excessive drinking may also help reduce the risk of dementia later on in life.


While further research is necessary to fully understand the link between education level and Alzheimer’s disease, we do know that there is indeed a correlation between these two factors. As such, it is important for families to provide their children with access to high-quality schooling so they can reap the benefits later on in life—including potentially reducing their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. By understanding why this link exists, families can take steps towards protecting their loved ones’ cognitive health now and into the future.

Acorn can help when you need great caregivers to provide home care or elder care services for a loved in Chapel Hill, Durham and surrounding areas.  Caregivers can provide simple companionship or may serve clients with Alzheimer’s, dementia, on hospice and bed bound patients. From a few hours per visit to 24/7 care.


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