The Caring Corner®

The Caring Corner – Diet Linked to Alzheimer’s

January 28, 2013

A new book, The Alzheimer’s Diet, shares insights into dietary habits that may reduce the onset of Alzheimer’s disease and a related condition called Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).  The 30-second take is that the type of diet we know as the Mediterranean Diet, combined with a degree of fasting helps protect our brains.

You may know that the Mediterranean Diet emphasizes fats that are rich in omega-3s, such as olive oils and nuts, fish oil and avocado.  Low glycemic foods that are high in fiber and are less likely to cause spikes in blood sugar are recommended.  This book is yet another source that tells us that refined sugars are bad for us.

The fasting concept deals with depriving our cells of nutrients for short periods of time in order for them to consume a small amount of the nutrients they store internally.  This helps clean out “garbage” components that accumulate in our brain cells and, over time, contribute to their deterioration.






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