The Caring Corner®

7 Common Senses of Dementia Care for Chapel Hill Seniors

December 27, 2016

Caregivers can and should enlist help of others when caring for someone with dementia. There is a mnemonic for remembering tips for dementia care. They are RESPECT.
R  Resepect
E  Enlist Help
S  Safety
P  Preparation
E  Engagement
C  Consistency
T  Tolerance

A good caregiver is a good leader. The primary caregiver must lead the way. A caregiver must use their available resources to their advantage. They should use things like technology and household items for everyday care as well as daily routines and adult day programs. There are also support and advocacy groups online and in person when you need support and a break. Caregivers may be reluctant to reach out to friends and family, however, planning and coordination are the best ways to prepare for the future. These needs should be reviewed periodically to make sure it is working for everyone. Being proactive about care helps, especially if there is a crisis, will help to sort things out if you have planned ahead. It is also important to use everyones strengths to help with care. If someone is better on a computer, have them order medications. If someone enjoys cooking, have them help with dinner. Have everyone use what they are good at in order to help you the most.

Most importantly, take a break from the situation. Enlist the help of friends and family to come over and give you a break occasionally. Social isolation is harmful and can lead to behavioral problems and disease progression for dementia sufferers and increased risk of depression and illness in caregivers. Social activity offers health benefits for everyone.

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