The Caring Corner®

Try A Mediterranean Diet for Better Brain Health

November 28, 2015

A new study in Neurology has found that older people who stick closely to a Mediterranean diet have more brain volume than those who don’t eat one. A Mediterranean diet is defined as one high in fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereals, grains, fish and healthy fats like olive oil. As we age, our brains shrink. By eating healthy, people may be able to off-set the process with a Mediterranean diet. A low intake of unhealthy fats, dairy, meat and poultry with mild amounts of alcohol is recommended, however, a small glass of red wine is an element of the diet.

Over a seven month period, researchers conducted a study of various ethnicities in NYC of over 700 people. The study revealed a 13ml greater brain volume for those that maintained a healthy diet. The results are exciting because brain shrinkage can be prevented by eating healthy. The Mediterranean diet is also linked to better cognition. Those on the diet score several years younger on cognitive tests, even better than those who a eat low-fat diet. Overall, the magnitude of the brain measures are relatively small, but it is quite substantial when it is related to a 5 year decrease in aging.


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by Sheri Chandler

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