The Caring Corner®

Could Losing Weight Increase Your Risk of Dementia?

April 21, 2018

Sometimes it’s hard to make sense of the health advice we get. We constantly hear about the benefits of losing weight, but could losing weight have a downside? Research conducted in India, where there is a large population of underweight people, suggests that too much weight loss actually may lead to a greater risk of early onset dementia.

If you are underweight, the increased risk is from becoming malnourished—a condition which can occur when you are underweight for a long time.  Put simply, malnourishment means that you are not getting enough nutrients in your diet.

There are two essential nutrients that, when lacking in our diets, contribute to cognitive decline: Vitamin B6 and B12.  Deficiency in either could increase your risk for dementia, and because of this, underweight people are at a higher risk.  These two B vitamins are critical for correct functioning of neurons in the brain and help in the proper movement of electrical impulses. The deficiency is less common in obese people compared to those who are underweight.

Milk, eggs, poultry, meat, fish—all these animal products contain Vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 is not typically found in plant-based foods, but vegetarians can find it in fortified breakfast cereals. Since Vitamin B6 is found in starchy vegetables and non-citrus fruits, a vegetarian diet does not need to be modified for this vitamin. Another good source of Vitamin B6 is fish.

Your Body Mass Index (BMI) is what categorizes you as either underweight or overweight. A BMI of less than 22 puts you in the underweight category

Just like losing weight, gaining weight is a process, especially if your goal is weight-gain though high quality foods and supplements. It will take time. Increase your daily caloric intake in order to achieve your desired healthy weight.

In summary, being underweight can lead to malnourishment. Malnourishment can then lead to Vitamin B12 and B6 deficiency. Without these two essential vitamins, the risk of cognitive decline is higher and so is the risk of dementia.


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