Caring for the Caregiver: Take Your Oxygen First
We always worry about our loved ones and sometimes overlook ourselves. In the words of flight attendants, if you are traveling with someone who needs you help, be sure to put your oxygen mask on first!
Be aware that caregiver stress is real and, if untreated, can have severe health effects. If you exhibit some of these signs of stress on a regular basis, consider getting help, whether it be from family members, friends or a home care agency. Also consider seeing a doctor for your own health evaluation.
- Depression: I don’t care anymore.
- Exhaustion: I am too tired for this.
- Anxiety about the future: What happens when Mom needs more care than we can give her?
- Denial: I know this is temporary and that Dad will get better.
- Anger: If Mom asks me where we are going one more time, I’ll scream!
- Sleeplessness due to never-ending worries: What if she wanders away and gets lost or hurt?
- Irritability and moodiness: Leave me alone! Don’t bother me!
- Social withdrawal: I no longer have interest in getting together with our friends.
- Inability to concentrate: I got so busy, I simply forgot we had a doctor’s appointment.
- Declining health, both mental and physical: I can’t recall the last time I felt good.
Acorn wishes to acknowledge the Alzheimer’s Association for this valuable content.
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