Alzheimer’s Home Safety – Caring for the Caregiver
Return to prior page: Who Would Take Care of Your Loved One with Alzheimer’s if Something Happened to You?
Home safety takes many forms. This series focuses on the physical environment and specific safety concerns. But the home environment also involves the needs, feelings, and lifestyles of the occupants, of you the caregiver, your family and the person with Alzheimer’s. Disability affects all family members, and it is crucial to maintain your emotional and physical welfare in addition to a safe environment.
We encourage you to make sure you have quiet time, time out, time to take part in something you enjoy. Protect your own emotional and physical health. Your local Alzheimer’s Association chapter can help you with the support and information you may need as you address this very significant checkpoint in your home safety list. You are extremely valuable and as you take on a commitment to care for a person with AD, please take on the equally important commitment to care for yourself.
See the final page in this series: Alzheimer’s Home Safety – Additional Resources
Acorn wishes to acknowledge the National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Aging and the Alzheimer’s Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center that were the sources for this valuable content
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