The Caring Corner®
Your Father Had a Stroke: Tips for Recovery
A stroke occurs when the supply of blood to the brain is cut off. In just a few minutes, brain damage sets in to areas that are deprived of oxygen. The nature of the stroke may be the blockage of an artery or the rupture of a blood vessel, also known as a brain hemorrhage. Physical rehab is almost always prescribed. The specific therapies depend on where it occurs in the brain and how severe it was.
Manage Expectations
The best thing you can do to support your loved one is to help them keep realistic expectations of what can be achieved and the time frame. The brain is a remarkable organ and, like many parts of our body, can heal from a number of injuries. The damage resulting from a severe stroke, however, may be permanent.
These statistics from the National Stroke Association that can help you set expectations:
- 10 – 15 percent of stroke victims achieve nearly complete recovery
- 25 – 30 percent of stroke victims experience recovery with minor permanent damage
- 40 – 45 percent will experience moderate to severe permanent damage that may require the need for ongoing special care
- 10 – 15 percent will experience severe damage that will require long-term care in a facility or by home care aides
Consult with your loved one’s medical advisors to understand the best rehabilitation strategy and gauge the expected results. Proper goals and expectations are critical to assessing your loved one’s progress and supporting their needs.
You Can Help!
Stroke victims may need help with activities of daily living: grooming, eating, using the toilet, ambulation, showering, etc. Home care agencies like ours are available to provide experienced, compassionate caregivers. However, all home care is non-medical and many care services can also be provided safely by family members with just a little training.
See our free resource, the Family Learning Center, for online training that will help you help your loved one. Giving Dad a hand in the shower or helping him transfer from the bed to a walker is an act of love that can go a long way to enriching the experience for both of you.