The Caring Corner®

Tablets Can Reduce Agitation in Chatham County Dementia Patients

February 16, 2017

Dementia patients can be managed safely with the use of computer tablets according to a new study. The research was recently published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and was building upon the recent findings that art, music and similar therapies can reduce symptoms of dementia without medication. Patients and providers benefit greatly from the tablet due to its flexibility. The tablet was found to reduce agitation, decrease the use of drug intervention and is safe. The tablet allows the patient to switch from one app to another without the need to invest in new equipment or infrastructure. Patients using the tablet showed signs of reduced agitation.

One patient in the study spoke Romanian and was having severe agitation. The staff used the tablet to show him Romanian speaking clips on YouTube and his behavior showed a significant change. He became more interactive, his mood improved and he required less medication. This is one of the many new tools being incorporated into dementia patient care to improve their daily life and promote interaction.

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