Orange County Lands $900,000!

At the launch of DFOC, Janice Tyler, Director of the Orange County Department on Aging, shared the exciting news that the county received a $900,000 grant which will be used to make our community one of the most accommodating in the country for people who have dementia and their caregivers.
The funds were secured through a federal project called the Dementia Friendly America Initiative, launched in July at the White House Conference on Aging.  We are one of only 15 communities across the US, and the only one in North Carolina to receive such a grant.
The funds will be used to enhance a number of programs the county is already operating, as well as new ones designed to make Orange County as inclusive as possible.
County Commissioner Earl McKee said,  “The funds for this grant will specifically target caregivers and residents with Alzheimer’s and related dementias.  This money will enable the county to expand services and support, and we want to do all we can to assist these individuals and their caregivers – and also their friends and families – to reduce isolation and improve their quality of life.”